Moral Reasoning

The Moral Reasoning Skills Facilitator Guide is a collection of step-by-step instructions for teaching 29 personal skills activities (530 minutes) to groups of youth and adults.

"What should I do?" is a question we frequently ask. How do we know what is morally right or wrong? On what do we base our values? Can we decide what is morally right using only logic? Are moral principles invented by human beings alone? Philosophers have debated the origin of ethical principles for centuries. Values are important because they define who we are. They are responsible for our being helpful to our neighbors and community or our being burdens on society. They determine if we are religious or atheistic, honest or deceitful, empathetic or insensitive, brave or cowardly or if we conduct ourselves in the gray areas of right and wrong.

  1. Where Values Come From
  2. Universal Truths
  3. Coat of Arms
  4. Drawing the Line
  5. Things I Would Never Do
  6. Values Analysis
  7. Regarding Values
  8. How I Express My Values
  9. Promoting Your Values
  10. Wearing Your Values
  11. Expressing Your Values
  12. Political Correctness
  13. Create a Definition
  14. What’s Wrong With That?
  15. Ethics Assessment
  16. Ethics in Current Events
  17. Ethical Foundations
  18. Attitudes and Values
  19. A Moral Dilemma
  20. Using Your Values
  21. Who’s Telling the Truth?
  22. Conscience Synonyms
  23. What’s A Conscience?
  24. Should I or Should I Not?
  25. The Cowbell Conscience
  26. Dull or Sharp?
  27. Working Out Your Conscience
  28. Better Than Animals
  29. Dealing With Dilemmas


Price: $7.25

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