The Nexus Quest: How to Achieve the Good Life

Establishing a solid foundation

Beginning in 1994, the Insight Learning Foundation has introduced people to the theory of personality styles, assessed their unique color spectrum, and provided basic foundational information about the Blue, Gold, Green, and Orange temperaments. Over the years, hundreds of thousands of individuals around the world have successfully used Insight tests and tools to better understand themselves and others.

But now it is time to build on the foundation that has been established. Because it really doesn’t do anyone much good if all they have is a modest understanding of human temperament. While most of our competitors also provide this basic information, they often leave it up to the individual to figure out how to apply the information. Unfortunately, this ultimately devalues the information and the process devolves into little more than a party game, “I’m a Blue, what are you?”

Most people would agree that if information is to have any meaningful value at all, it must be assimilated and applied to real-life settings—and the easier and faster that occurs, the quicker it can begin to solve problems and have a significant impact in the lives of people.

Therefore the purpose of the Insight Learning Foundation is to first, provide a solid foundational understanding of human personality, and second, teach people how to erect something on that foundation that is not only beneficial, but truly life-changing.

What we hope to build

Insight Learning personnel seek to build mutually-beneficial relationships, stable and happy families, honest and prosperous businesses, and safe and united communities. We desire to enhance interpersonal relationships, regardless of whether the relationship is husband to wife, parent to child, friend to friend, teacher to student, employer to employee, seller to buyer, peer to peer, or citizen to politician. We envision an environment where people can use their understanding of human temperament to obtain their personal, social, financial, intellectual, emotional goals. We seek a place where people can reduce stress, resolve conflict, communicate more effectively, and achieve personal success. In short, we dream of a more perfect world.

A lofty and worthwhile goal, isn’t it? Humanity has been trying to build a more heavenly existence ever since their first day on this planet. According to historical records from the past 6,000 years, it has been created from time-to-time by pockets of people scattered around the world. If people from the past can do it, then we should be able to do it too. And at Insight, we believe it is entirely possible and feasible to build a better future, starting today. All we need are heads, hearts, and a workable plan.

Using our heads and hearts to follow a plan

Using their head, individuals need to learn how to apply the information to solve their specific problems. Like a student who first needs to learn the alphabet before she can spell words, everyone needs to be taught how to do something before they can actually do it themselves. seeks to be a place where people can learn how to solve their own problems. We presently have a number of educational courses to help people become more successful in life. Plus, we plan to continue developing new courses long into the future.

Next, an individual’s heart needs to be engaged. After people have learned how to solve their problems, they must summon up the courage to practice and experiment with the information until their goal is achieved. The heart provides the motivation and determination to work on their problems, even when unforeseen setbacks and disappointments occur. It gives them the passion to pursue their dreams, improve their lives, and make their world a more perfect place. Unfortunately, we can’t give people this desire—either they have it or they don’t.

When the head (knowledge) and heart (desire) come together, individuals are able to apply their understanding to achieve what we call insight. To help them stay focused and moving forward, with benchmarks and time-frames, now all they need is a map or blueprint which features clear objectives, a feasible schedule, and step-by-step daily directions.

Introducing the Nexus Quest

The Nexus Quest is a plan to help people find more happiness and success in life. This new program, which has been under development and testing for years, seeks to help people achieve what Aristotle called, “The Good Life.”

The Nexus Quest begins with a parable which helps people learn more about temperament types and then shows how personal and societal problems automatically resolve themselves as individuals acquire the virtues that are associated with each personality type.

The parable explains that each personality type has a built-in collection of at least 13 virtues that are worthy of emulation. These qualities have intrinsic value and are highly prized, both by individuals and by society at large. Those who possess these characteristics almost always find more success in life than those who don’t.

Therefore, the objective of The Nexus Quest is to invite people to embark on a journey to learn more about these virtues and systematically incorporate as many of them as possible into their character. Using the educational resources available at and elsewhere on the Internet, participants will be asked to spend 13 minutes each day learning about and practicing one of the 52 virtues (13 for each color).

Please join us on the journey

If you want to learn more about this new program, please click the graphic below. You will be redirected to a page at where you will view a short introductory video as well as a longer video of the entire parable. You will also be introduced to a special collection of resources that will help you on this journey.

The Nexus QuestFor millennia, philosophers and prophets around the world have taught us that if we want to be successful—if we want to create a better world—then we just have to do more good things. We have to choose to do activities that are filled with virtue, are worthy of praise, or have a good reputation. As we find ourselves doing more and more good things, we won’t have the time, energy, or desire to do things that aren’t so good—our vices.

On behalf of the Insight Learning Foundation, I invite you to join me and my colleagues in adopting as much virtue as possible. Whether you decide to use our programs or not, I’m sure you’d agree that our world needs as much virtue as we can muster. I sincerely believe we can bring about a great deal of good, especially if we work together with our heads, our hearts, and follow the plan.

I look forward to working with you to build a better world!

Nathan K. Bryce

All of the information in this blog is owned by Nathan K. Bryce. The content of this newsletter may not be used or duplicated without written permission from the copyright holder.