
The Parenting Skills Facilitator Guide is a collection of step-by-step instructions for teaching 58 family skills activities (1330 minutes) to groups of youth and adults.

  1. What is a Parent?
  2. Gold, Silver or Bronze Parents
  3. What is a Good Mother?
  4. A Good Mother
  5. A Good Father
  6. Fatherhood Quiz
  7. Super Parent Syndrome
  8. Preparing for Parenthood
  9. A Monument to Parenting Skills
  10. A Job Description
  11. Who Is Responsible?
  12. Good Parenting Starts Early
  13. My Little Samu
  14. The Blessed Event
  15. Shared Responsibilities
  16. Death of a Child
  17. Accepting Stepchildren
  18. Worries
  19. Bills of Rights
  20. A Stay-at-Home Parent
  21. Children Come First
  22. Willing to Sacrifice
  23. Speaking With a Forked Tongue
  24. Quarreling Parents
  25. Building Family Unity
  26. A Family Mission Statement
  27. Establishing a Family Identity
  28. Seven Parenting Standards
  29. Families Are Important
  30. My Family Tree
  31. A Good Home
  32. Family Strength Self-Quiz
  33. How Well Do You Know Your Child?
  34. Words That Build Self-Esteem
  35. Decades of Respect and Disrespect
  36. Being Respectful
  37. Respect Builds a Foundation
  38. Respect for Your Children
  39. Speaking Respectfully to Children
  40. Never Belittle or Embarrass
  41. Family Meetings
  42. Household Chores by Personality Style
  43. Household Chores
  44. Overprotecting
  45. Emulsifying Personality Styles
  46. Typical Behavior by Age
  47. Getting Their Way
  48. Owning Up
  49. Teaching Accountability
  50. Sitting Quietly
  51. The “Third Parent”
  52. The Birds and the Bees
  53. The Arts
  54. Spiritual Needs
  55. Giving Service to Others
  56. Earning Money
  57. Children Employed
  58. Scarcity


Price: $14.50

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