The Parenting Skills Facilitator Guide is a collection of step-by-step instructions for teaching 58 family skills activities (1330 minutes) to groups of youth and adults.
- What is a Parent?
- Gold, Silver or Bronze Parents
- What is a Good Mother?
- A Good Mother
- A Good Father
- Fatherhood Quiz
- Super Parent Syndrome
- Preparing for Parenthood
- A Monument to Parenting Skills
- A Job Description
- Who Is Responsible?
- Good Parenting Starts Early
- My Little Samu
- The Blessed Event
- Shared Responsibilities
- Death of a Child
- Accepting Stepchildren
- Worries
- Bills of Rights
- A Stay-at-Home Parent
- Children Come First
- Willing to Sacrifice
- Speaking With a Forked Tongue
- Quarreling Parents
- Building Family Unity
- A Family Mission Statement
- Establishing a Family Identity
- Seven Parenting Standards
- Families Are Important
- My Family Tree
- A Good Home
- Family Strength Self-Quiz
- How Well Do You Know Your Child?
- Words That Build Self-Esteem
- Decades of Respect and Disrespect
- Being Respectful
- Respect Builds a Foundation
- Respect for Your Children
- Speaking Respectfully to Children
- Never Belittle or Embarrass
- Family Meetings
- Household Chores by Personality Style
- Household Chores
- Overprotecting
- Emulsifying Personality Styles
- Typical Behavior by Age
- Getting Their Way
- Owning Up
- Teaching Accountability
- Sitting Quietly
- The “Third Parent”
- The Birds and the Bees
- The Arts
- Spiritual Needs
- Giving Service to Others
- Earning Money
- Children Employed
- Scarcity