Interview Preparation

The Interview Preparation Skills Facilitator Guide is a collection of step-by-step instructions for teaching 14 employment skills activities (260 minutes) to groups of youth and adults.

Athletes must prepare for competitions, performers must prepare for concerts, and job applicants must prepare for interviews. Handling yourself well will help you obtain the job that you desire. Activity Titles

  1. Job Etiquette Do’s and Don’ts
  2. Making a Checklist
  3. Arrive Sober
  4. Clothes for the Interview
  5. Dress Up or Down?
  6. Appropriate Dress
  7. Conservative Dress
  8. Conservative Dress for Success
  9. Dress for Success
  10. Go Alone
  11. Be Punctual
  12. Arrive Early
  13. The Early Bird Catches the Worm
  14. Burning Your Bridges Behind You


Price: $3.50

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