How to Build Custom Workshops with the Skills Library

Insights on Building Workshops with the Skills Library

Did you know that associate-level subscribers have access to the Skills Library, a collection of 1828 original learning activities that they can use to teach a variety of life-enriching, success-building skills to groups of people?

68 skills have been identified by social scientists, psychologists, educators, business owners, religious leaders, and government officials as skills that help people become more successful in life.

Simply choose from 638 hours worth of royalty-free activities to identify those that are most suitable for your audience. Each activity features step-by-step instructions and, if called for, student worksheets. Simply print out the material and teach the learning activity. If learners have not mastered the skill after participating in an activity, go back and choose additional activities until competency is demonstrated.

The instructional materials are easily integrated into existing educational programs. The activities are suitable for adult and youth participants and accommodate all types of learners, especially non-traditional learners.

As long as you have an associate-level subscription, all Skills Library activities may be used within your own workshops and training programs. If you are building a curriculum for other facilitators to teach, each instructor must also have a current subscription.

The Skills Library is divided into five volumes. Below is a description of each volume.

  • Cognitive Skills. The Cognitive Skills volume consists of 309 learning activities (90+ hours). These skills are designed to help people change the way they think and process information. The skills help people make better decisions, think creatively, detect logical fallacies, solve problems, study better, and remember new information.
  • Employment Skills. There are 359 activities (125+ hours) in the Employment Skills volume. Fortune 500 companies and government officials have declared that these are the skills people need to find and keep a job. This volume includes activities that teach skills such as job preparation, job hunting, interview preparation, interview communication, interview follow-up, job retention, work relationships, customer service, handling complaints, effective selling, selling strategies, management, and self-employment.
  • Family Skills. Our largest volume features 437 learning activities (180+ hours). The activities are ideal for people who are experiencing spousal or family struggles or are simply having a hard time coping with the pressures of raising a family in modern society. The following skills are addressed: courtship, discipline, divorce, emergency preparedness, finances, health, home organization, home safety, housework, love, marital conflict, marriage, nutrition, parenting, and sexual intimacy.
  • Personal Skills. This volume consists of 358 activities (120+ hours). These are the essential personal skills that every man, woman, and child ought to know to be able to function in society. Learning activities include such topics as anger control, flexible thinking, goal setting, integrity, moral reasoning, optimism, personal responsibility, resource management, self concept, self management, stress management, and time management.
  • Social Skills. The Social Skills volume contains 365 activities (110+ hours). These are the activities, identified by psychologists and social scientists, as the skills people need to have to improve their ability to communicate and relate with other people. Skills include: building friendships conflict resolution, confrontation, conversation, diversity, empathy, etiquette, following leaders, giving instructions, group membership, leadership, negotiation, persuasion, serving others, showing gratitude, sociability, and teamwork.

We have published a free activity from each of the 68 skills. Simply navigate to, enter the Library section, and click on the Skills Library. Then choose the volume and the skill you want to examine, then click on the link that’s marked, FREE.

All of the information in this newsletter is owned by Nathan K. Bryce. The content of this newsletter may not be used or duplicated without written permission from the copyright holder.