How to Make Money as an Insight Associate

How to Make Money as an Insight Associate

Did you know that you can become an Insight Associate and earn a sales commission from encouraging people to buy Insight products and services?

There are a number of phenomenal benefits from purchasing an associate-level subscription, such as receiving a minimum discount of 20% on all Insight products and services except for facilitator kits (greater discounts are available for quantity purchases). However, the benefit I want to discuss today deals with creating your own personal store on our website.

In your store you can upload text or media (JPG, PDF, MP3, FLV) resources which talk about your services. You can also resell any Insight consumer product for whatever price you want. You receive a commission for the difference between the listed price and your discounted price.

In other words, if you list an item that normally costs $25 for $25, you will earn $5.00 (20%) from the sale of that item; if you sell that same product at discounted price of $24, you will earn $4.00. Furthermore, we do all the invoicing, handling, and shipping for you. All you do is give out the link to your page and wait for your monthly commission check!

After working with an Insight customer service representative to create your store, you may begin inviting your customers or clients to visit it and learn more about yourself and the products or services you want to resell. They can navigate to your store in two ways: (1) a web link, or (2) a launch code. Let’s look at both of these for a fictitious associate: Mr. Jim James from the Corporate Management Institute of New York City.

  • Link method: Simply click on the link below to visit the page. You can send a link out in an email to your clients, place it on a website you’ve already created, or print it up on a business card, flier, or newsletter.
  • Launch code method: If you navigate to, after entering the website you will notice a spinning logo in the upper left-hand corner of the home page. Underneath the logo you should see the white launch code box. Click on the box and type in the code CMI and press the green GO button or hit the ENTER key on your keyboard. This will take you to the same page as the link above. You may enter the launch code from any of the 20,000+ pages at

In this example, Jim James has chosen to share half of his discount with his clients. Because he talks about five specific Insight products in his sales presentations and educational seminars, he decided to list these items only, even though he could have listed all of our consumer products.

When a client makes a purchase from this page, his commission is immediately entered in as a credit on Jim’s Insight account. Each month he receives an email statement showing the balance in his account. Jim prefers to let those credits accumulate to offset future Insight purchases but he could also choose to receive those in the form of a monthly check (commission checks will only be issued if they are more than $20.)

If you already have an associate subscription to the website, and you want to get your store up and running, give us a call (or reply to this email) and we’ll tell you what you need to do next.

If you don’t have an associate-level subscription yet, and want to purchase a one-year subscription for $150, click the link below. If you can’t afford $150 at the moment, give us a call and ask about a time payment schedule.

I Want an Associate Level Subscription
All of the information in this newsletter is owned by Nathan K. Bryce. The content of this newsletter may not be used or duplicated without written permission from the copyright holder.